sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Kiss me so sweet and soft

Recordar por siempre el primer beso; suave dulce, tierno e intenso. Pero también sentir cada beso como el primero, esa es la verdadera magia de un beso. Siempre deseo volver a sentirlo nuevamente y sin fin.

8 comentarios:

Julia Hernández dijo...

Cierto ! Yo agregaría a pesar de lo vivido, siempre hay una primera vez, donde tiembla el alma al encontrarse en otra mirada. Abrazos !!!

Unknown dijo...

bonita foto!!
Si tienes tiempo pásate por mi blog! me encanaría me ayudaras con mi colección.
un saludo :-)

Unknown dijo...

so lovely!!! I follow you.


H dijo...

Soy una incondicional de los besos......de todos, desde los mas sensuales....hasta los tipo pedorreta.


Inés dijo...

Gran sensibilidad en imagenes y palabras. Es increible volver a tener aqui cragado de senaciones y emociones pero siempre ser una persona muy especial y nunca dejas de ser tu mismo. Tu me enseñas muchas coss y aprendo de ti todo el tiempo. Gracias por ser quien eres gracias por tener a ti en nuetras vidas. Mi pequeña familia te queremos mucho. Besos.
Amo tus foto. Siempre besos eternos son lo mejor de la vida. Gracias por la cancion es hermosa.

I think is incredible and very beautiful the man express the feelings so, but he is a very special person an man,no man like him. Everything he makes
have the special touch. Maybe you know,you can see and feel, I always repeat many times, You are a very lucky woman, you've got in your life a man who fights for his dreams and for his ideals. Able to stake his life for the things he believes. This excites me a lot,I've suffered and cried a lot for him. Likewise the fight for you. Maybe you do not know, he is appreciated and flattered for many,I get to be jealous of this,
when he is not mine, it's yours. But he no changes, be himself always, amazing quality a man. You're the only woman in his life, for this I say you are very lucky, you have a man many women dream, he by your side for your being very special I know,he feel very lucky for you, you're his woman dream.I am happy for this, but also you cares and struggle a bit for him too.You know how wonderful are the kisses of him and everything. Is normal to be afraid, but never stop knowing you have a dream, you can feel a reality. Anyman nowadays does what he does for a woman and in the life.
I love you very much dear, Kisses.

Carmen Silza dijo...

Aynss!, ese primer beso que siempre llevamos puesto en los labios...
Recién llegada de las vacaciones os voy visitando poco a poco.
De nuevo con todos vosotros.
Un abrazo Alberto.
Feliz tarde.

Dee dijo...

Dear Alberto, you risk your life to tell the story of people unknown to you.I see all your photos, videos and follow you every day, and I feel very fear for your life.
I see and read this today,is very beautiful. You keep your romanticism and sensitivity despite of everything see your eyes and feel your soul.
The other comment have much reason, you are a dream and is very lucky the woman next to you. Thanks for being as you are; a special man and a fascinating human being. Kisses

esplendidavida@gmail.com dijo...

Bonitos versos, saludos,

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El Sitio. Un lugar de encuentro con uno mismo

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